The Anzati were a race of Force Sensitive humanoids who could pass for humans, Extremely long-lived, they fed on the life essence of individuals they captured using 2 tentacle-like proboscises that would enter their prey.
Bothans were a race of bipedal mammalian humanoids, notable as politicians and spies. During the Galactic Civil War it was mentioned by Mon Mothma that, "Many Bothans died to bring us this information," related to Death Star II.
See also:
Mon Mothma
Death Star II
The Chiss were blue skinned humanoids originating in the Unknown Regions. There their empire, The Chiss Ascendancy, ruled local systems in obscurity. They first came to the notice of the wider Galaxy following Thrawn's appearance.
See also:
Chiss Ascendancy
This humanoid species had two sexes which were distinctively diamophic. Males were hairless and had large (devil-like) horns on their foreheads, whilst females had hair similar to humans and vestigial bumps instead.
Ewoks were small humanoids who lived a hunter gatherer existence on the Forest Moon of Endor. Though small, they were fearless warriors with their primitive weapons and helped the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire.
See also:
Forest Moon of Endor
Rebel Alliance
Felucians were a short reptilian species, with thick legs, four fingers and elongated heads on relatively long necks. A fairly peaceful race, many Felucians were farmers on their native planet.